When Hiplok customer Jason purchased the world’s first anti-angle grinder bike lock, he had no idea how soon Hiplok D1000 would prove itself in a real-world attempted bike theft. “your lock stood strong and prevented my bike from being stolen” said Jason. Read on for the full story.
Bike Lock Up
Jason parked up his Specialized e-bike in the usual indoor bike park in the London area overnight. Following good bike lock up procedure, he secured the main frame of his bike to the metal bike hoop using a Hiplok D1000.
Attempted Bike Theft
At approximately 1am, three would-be bike thieves were caught on camera entering the bike park and picking out Jason’s bike. Camera footage shows one thief standing guard while the other two attempt to cut the D1000 with a portable angle grinder. Clearly getting increasingly frustrated and baffled by the strength of the D1000 lock, after over an hour, the three give up and leave. The bike is left in it’s original position, still secured to the hoop with the D1000.
Bike Lock Thwarted Attack
As the photographs show, after one hour of intense angle grinding, the thieves failed in cutting through one side of the lock. With the D1000’s double locking anti-rotational design, the thieves would have had to cut both sides to get the bike. Though there was some noticeable damage to the lock after an hour of cutting attempt, the unique graphene composite material, Ferosafe, used in D1000 and the full Hiplok 1000 Series range, ultimately saved Jason’s bike.
As Jason said “Despite persistent efforts made by the thieves using angle grinders, your lock stood strong and prevented my bike from being stolen. I decided to make a post on reddit where it had gained significant traction showcasing the resilience and effectiveness of your lock to the community.” You can read more on the attempted bike theft from Jason here >>